Adedayo Amoke Buluro. IMCOSA 68 (FRIEND/CLASSMATE) 29th April 2021

How do I start to Eulogies, a sweet and loving friend, FLORENCE ADELABAKE FARAMADE OTUFOWORA OKUYIGA. Labake I have known you for over 5 decades (53+ years), when our paths first crossed at Muslim College Ijebu-Ode. As Williams Shakespeare once said “the world is a stage and all men and women are but players”. They have their entrances and exists and all in his/her life plays many parts. ‘It is not how long one lives that matters, but how well”. God has every right to call any of us to our rest at the appointed time, when he is satisfied that our assignments is over. It is painful to the narrow that you are no more. But we are rest assured that you have gone to rest, the sun shown so bright and set abruptly, what a loss? You were motionless but victorious. Labs as we fondly called you. You were loving, caring, patient, peaceful, kind to a fault. A source of inspiration and a good planner. A loyal and humble wife. A great and true mother, who never compromised her standards and core values. A woman of substance, a pillar of strength and faith, an icon in her own way, an unsung heroine of her generation. A God fearing woman, who carried herself with humility, grace and dignity. A contented woman of inestimable value to all and sundry. You were indeed a colossus, a rare, precious, priceless GEM. ADELABAKE MI O DIGBE.